Feather Pram Dinghy

Classic lightweight pram dinghy, designed by Ian Oughtred

Clinker plywood construction with Douglas fir seats and (laminated) knees and frames.

Length:   6’-8” (2.03m)

Beam:     3’-9 ½” (1.15m)

Photo Diary of Construction:

1. Assembling temporary moulds

Assembling temporary moulds











2. Setting up moulds and transoms

Setting up moulds











3. Lining out planks

Lining out planks











4. Glueing planks

Glueing planks











5. Hull complete, ready for turn-over

Hull complete before turn over







Hull complete before turn over














6. Interior ready for paint

Completed and ready for painting











7.  Completed boat with oars and buoyancy fitted

Completed boat with oars and buoyancy fitted


8. Profile of completed boat

Profile of completed boat